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TransCon 2014

Filed under: Acara — Ade @ 23:20

Baru minggu kemarin saya mendengar soal TransCon 2014 yang akan diadakan oleh Atmajaya. Karena tertarik saya mencoba meng-google acara ini untuk tahu tentang pembicara dan tanggalnya. Sayang setelah mencoba beberapa kali dengan kata kunci yang berbeda, saya tidak juga menemukan situs resmi acara ini yang bisa dijadikan rujukan. Saya cuma berhasil menemukan flyer yang dikirim ke milis Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia. Jadilah saya salin dan rekatkan saja informasinya di bawah ini. Flyer asli juga bisa diunduh di sini.

The 4th Atma Jaya International Conference inTranslation & Interpretation Studies
13 September 2014
“Empowering Translators: The Art of Thriving in the Translation Industry.”

The Department of Applied English Linguistics (LTBI), Graduate School of Atma JayaCatholic University of Indonesia, invites all those interested in translation and interpretation studies as well as those working in the industry to submit an abstract for TransCon 2014.

There are three different events you can attend in TransCon 2014. The Main Conference purely focuses on a wide range of aspects of translation and interpretation studies. In addition to the Main Conference, we also invite all professional translators/interpreters to submit an abstract and share their professional experiences and expertise in the Professional Sharing Sessions. It is always interesting to hear a small episode of a professional translator’s life: the challenges in the translation industry and strategies to cope with the issues. Furthermore, in TransCon 2014, participants are privileged to attend a Legal Translation Workshop, during which they will be introduced to the common issues and challenges of legal translation (Indonesian <> English) through translation practice and feedback from the authority.

This TransCon 2014 is therefore especially targeted at both novice and sophisticated translators, academics, researchers, students, aspiring translators or interpreters. They will be able to explore the theoretical aspects of translation and interpretation and at the same time gain hands-on skills and tips from professional translators.

VENUE: Sekolah Pascasarjana, Building C, 8th Floor, Kampus Unika Atma Jaya,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 51, Jakarta Selatan.
DATE & TIME: Saturday, 13 September 2014 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Sugeng Hariyanto (State Polytechnic of Malang)
Dr. Sugeng Hariyanto teaches Translation Studies at the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Brawijaya, Malang and English for Marketing at the State Polytechnic of Malang. He is also an English-Indonesian translator, localizer, and transcreator. His research interest includes translation, localization, translation teaching, and applied linguistics in business communication. His thought on translation competence, principles, and processes of website localization is presented in his Website Translation and Localization (2014), a revised and enriched version of Website Translation (2014).

LEGAL TRANSLATION WORKSHOP FACILITATOR: Evand Halim, M.Hum. (Graduate School of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia).
Evand Halim is currently teaching Translation in the Master’s degree program, Department of Applied English Linguistics, Graduate School of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. Evand is also Vice Chair of the Competency and Certification
Committee at the Association of Indonesian Translators (HPI). He is charged with developing and administering the National Certification Examination for Indonesian translators. Additionally, Evand is widely recognized today as a prominent authority
on legal translation in Indonesia, having a host of teaching experiences in various governmental, non-governmental, and private organizations as well as law firms.

All presenters, presenting whether in the Main Conference or in the Professional SharingSessions, must submit their abstracts electronically to by 14 July 2014. Abstracts must be in English, max. 500 words in length (not including references). Announcement of acceptance will be made on 25 July 2014.

Those presenting in the Main Conference are strongly encouraged to write a paper (min. 2000 words, in English, single line spacing, 11pt Times New Roman, doc. file), which will be included in the conference proceedings. The printed proceedings will be distributed to all participants before the Conference opens. Those who will speak in the Professional Sharing Sessions may present without writing a conference paper. However, all speakers are expected to prepare PowerPoint Slideshows and at least 20 copies of the presentation handouts for the audience. Please note that the committee may refuse to include the paper in the conference proceedings if the paper turns out to be of very poor quality or shows a poor standard of English.

All speakers should arrive at the session room 20 minutes prior to the start of their session. The presentation will be in English. There will be 15 minutes available for each presentation (as well as approximately 5 minutes for questions/discussion, giving 20 minutes in total). The Conference schedule will be updated to all speakers/participants a few days prior to the Conference day and will be provided in the conference kit. If you are a speaker, it is advisable to rehearse your talk beforehand to make sure that you have enough time for everything you want to say.
For the Main Conference, abstracts may relate to the following conference streams:
 Linguistics and Translation
 Culture and Translation
 Semiotics and Translation
 Corpora and Translation
 Literary and Non-literary Translation
 Functional Theories of Translation
 Equivalence and Equivalent Effect
 Localization
 Teaching of Translation
 Translation/Interpreting Ethics
 Gender and Translation
 Screen Translation
 Technology and Translation
 Issues of Equivalence
 Interpreting
 Translation Assessment
For the Professional Sharing Sessions, speakers may write abstracts about any practical issues and strategies or any other aspects of being a “Professional” Translator.

Payment by 20 August 2014
Payment after 20 August 2014
Students (Indonesian nationals) IDR 200,000 IDR 350,000
Indonesian Nationals IDR 400,000 IDR 600,000
Foreign Nationals (students and non-students) USD 50 USD 70
*The fee will cover a conference kit, proceedings, lunch, snacks, and a certificate

If you are interested in attending TransCon 2014, please sign up immediately, for seats are limited. You can register by completing the attached Registration Form, make payment of the registration fee and kindly deliver the completed registration form together with a copy of the bank payment slip no later than 20 August 2014:
(i) directly to Sekretariat Sekolah Pascasarjana Unika Atma Jaya, Building C, 7th Floor;
(ii) by email to;
(iii) by facsimile to (021) 574-1841 (attn. Katrin/TransCon 2014 – your name).

 Payment may be made either in cash or by bank transfer.
 If you pay the Conference registration fee by bank transfer, kindly make payment to our account as described below:
CIMB Niaga, a.n. Yayasan Atma Jaya, Account No. 440-01-00473-00-4; write your name for TransCon 2014.
If you pay the fee by bank transfer, it is important that you confirm your payment by sending us a copy of the payment slip in one of the manners described above.

IMPORTANT DATES: Conference Date 13 September 2014
Abstract Submission Deadline 14 July 2014
Announcement of Acceptance 25 July 2014
Full Paper Submission Deadline 25 August 2014

1 Komentar »

  1. […] hari yang lalu, rekan Sugeng Hariyanto, yang akan menjadi pembicara utama di acara TransCon Atmajaya 2014, memasang posting di FB HPI, meminta masukan untuk makalahnya. Temanya adalah cara bertahan dan […]

    Ping balik by Blog Bahtera » Kiat Menjaga Hubungan Baik dengan Klien atau PM — 26/08/2014 @ 23:21

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